Vitality Health Screening
Vitality health screening Screening measures how well your body is performing under its current circumstances, showing where you are doing well and where improvements can be made.
Are you suffering with poor health or living with certain ailments and symptoms that you have come to accept as part of your everyday life? This may be low energy levels, digestive disorders, headaches, brain fog or stiff joints to name but a few. Have you tried and failed to manage these symptoms with medication?
Often these symptoms are the body’s way of communicating with us but instead of us dealing with the root cause of these common issues, we mask the symptoms and therefore never really experience long term relief. The body doesn’t work in isolation, each system affects another and therefore harmony can only really take place when we attempt to heal ourselves from within.
Understanding what is happening internally within your body enables you to piece together the jigsaw and manage those niggles, conditions or ailments at the source.
Screening will measure how well your body is performing under its current circumstances, showing where you are doing well and where improvements can be made.
It also acts as a preventative measure, allowing you to pre-empt certain health conditions before they become an issue, allowing you to effect positive change whilst damage is still reversible. It empowers you to take control of your own health and wellbeing, to increase vitality and energy levels naturally.
Vitality Screening Report Sample
How does the system work?
The screening takes approximately 60 minutes and over 50 measures are included. Tests include Saliva, urine, a finger prick of blood in order to measure glucose levels, uric acid, cholesterol and haemoglogin, blood pressure, autonomic nervous system stress levels, your rest and repair, if you are effectively breaking down your protein, carbohydrates and fats, lung capacity, both cardiac and diabetic potentials, oxygenation, circulation , BIA fat to muscle, visceral fat, your internal age is also calculated, any premature ageing, Basal metabolic rate, energy levels, potential water retention and many other signs to identify potential problems. These measures allow us to underpin any issues which need addressing in order to move towards better health.
Once all the measures have been recorded, the system will automatically produce a report that details the results of each measure together with narrative that explains what it means.
The report will produce a list of recommendations for the results that fall outside the optimal spectrum. This will include dietary and lifestyle changes; food types to avoid and the ones to embrace; appropriate exercises to help general fitness, physical condition and breathing as well as supplements to enhance required base levels. The results are automatically analysed into bands above/below the optimal levels so you can monitor improvements.
Once you have followed the recommendations, it is beneficial to return for a further screening which will enable subsequent results to be trended, showing that your actions are improving your condition. Alternatively you can purchase home testing equipment which will allow you to retest from home, enter your results into a specific app and receive further recommendations and advice based on these.
This high tech, integrated lifestyle screening system provides you with the opportunity to improve your life and will help to put you on the path to recovery.
Screening plus report and recommendations £90